September 9, 2008

Help Us End the War in Iraq

25,000 Volunteers, Each Knocking of 40 Doors to Bring Our Troops Home and End the War in Iraq

Our leaders in Washington aren't going to end the War in Iraq unless we make them.

You and I know face-to-face, one-on-one contact is the single most effective way to communicate with voters and make change happen.

On Saturday, September 20, that is exactly what we are going to do.

Whether you can knock on 5 doors or 50 -- whether you walk alone or bring a friend -- working together with progressives all over the country we'll reach out to a Million Doors for Peace.


We're working with our friends from all over the nation: TrueMajority, USAction, MoveOn, and over 20 other hard working anti-war activist organizations.

This will be an historic day of action bringing the grassroots together for one of the largest mobilizations ever against the War in Iraq.


September 4, 2008

Violent Escalation Raises Fears in Chiapas

There is trouble brewing in Chiapas. Although this hasn't hit the national radar yet, it is something that those of us in the Peace and Justice community must watch carefully. Our friends in Mexico are counting on us to bring abuse to public light.

On August 29 and 30, 2008 Zapatista small farming families once again faced a serious escalation in the disturbing pattern of violence which has swept Chiapas in recent months. The latest attack by armed paramilitary forces occurred in the autonomous municipality of Olga Isabel and resulted in the wounding of 43 year old peasant Mariano Pérez Guzmán. Click here to read the Spanish language denunciation published by Zapatista officials in the caracol of Morelia.

September 2, 2008

1,000,000 Doors for Peace in ONE Day

In the past, the most common way progressives have mobilized opposition to the Iraq War is with nationwide candlelight vigils or a one day march in Washington DC.

Now is the time for something different. Nothing beats the effect of face to face action -- neighbors talking to neighbors about what matters most.

Democracy for America is excited to join the Million Doors for Peace campaign and we need your help to make a difference. On September 20, Americans will go door to door in their community to reach out to voters to end the War in Iraq.

We need 25,000 people to knock on 40 doors each. Are you ready to join the team?


Sign up now and a few days before September 20 you'll get everything you need. The campaign will send you a list of 40 people in your neighborhood who are either newly registered or infrequent voters. We'll go to these targeted homes with a petition calling on the next President and Congress to bring our troops home from Iraq within a year. We'll identify supporters from every political party and, on Election Day, we'll turn out these voters for candidates that share our values.

This isn't preaching to the choir -- this is direct action to make change happen. Will you take action on September 20th?


Together, we will move a million voters and knock on a million doors to end the War in Iraq and bring our men and women in uniform home. Join me, your neighbors, and activists throughout the country on September 20.

Thank you for everything you do,