September 4, 2008

Violent Escalation Raises Fears in Chiapas

There is trouble brewing in Chiapas. Although this hasn't hit the national radar yet, it is something that those of us in the Peace and Justice community must watch carefully. Our friends in Mexico are counting on us to bring abuse to public light.

On August 29 and 30, 2008 Zapatista small farming families once again faced a serious escalation in the disturbing pattern of violence which has swept Chiapas in recent months. The latest attack by armed paramilitary forces occurred in the autonomous municipality of Olga Isabel and resulted in the wounding of 43 year old peasant Mariano Pérez Guzmán. Click here to read the Spanish language denunciation published by Zapatista officials in the caracol of Morelia.

1 comment:

Mario said...

Sadly enough, this is not news. There has been turmoil in Chiapas since Salinas was in power. The EZLN still controls a lot of the rainforest and no peace treaties have been signed. We need to ask ourselves what to do about this (and other issues). It's important to talk about them, but more should be done.