January 4, 2011

Midwest Regional is Approaching

Dear Midwest Peace & Justice Members,

Hello to all of you once again. It's been some time since I've last written you, and I apologize for that. I've had too much going on in my life, and I've tended to procrastinate some things, and this is one of them. I'm now trying to make recompense. I hope things are going well in your lives and that you are able to think a little bit about your membership in our Peace & Justice Caucus. It is my hope that many of you will be attending the NEA Midwest Regional in Kansas City this month from January 14-16. Our Peace & Justice Caucus plans to have a table in the hallway for all to see, and we hope you will visit. We also will hold a caucus meeting on Saturday morning, January 15. If you haven't yet registered to attend it, please consider doing so. You can eat breakfast in our caucus room, so there is no conflict there. At present, Nancy Porter, our national chair, and I plan to be there and preside, but if I can't be there Nancy will handle it all herself. Either way, we will have a presence.
After your winter break, I'll send you another message as a reminder and include the tentative agenda for our caucus. We will also welcome any help at our table, but I'll mention that in January. Once again, I wish to remind you that we have a national website, a Midwest website, and a listserv. You can click on the first two simply by following the addresses listed below, and you can become a part of our listserv by clicking on that address and following the hoops required. You will then receive much more information from a variety of sources. You can arrange to have it in digest form if you wish to prevent being flooded with emails. You can also stop receiving it by following the clicks at the bottom of any message.

National website: http://www.neapeaceandjustice.org/; (Author: Jake Wager: Joshua.wager@gmail.com.)

Midwest Blog: http://midwestpeaceandjustice.blogspot.com/; (Authors: Andrew Rasmussen, Razzman11-2000@yahoo.com; Josh Brown: Joshua.brown@dmps.k12.ia.us.)

P&J Listserv: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NEApeaceandjusticecaucus/

Hope you had a pleasant break.
Tom Wolfe
NEA P&J Midwest Regional Director
1905 Emerald DR
Davenport, IA 52804

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