October 31, 2011

WWW.OccupyIowaCity.org writes principles

General Assembly Approves Statement of Principles

Submitted by frodopwns on Mon, 2011-10-24 22:32
The Occupy Iowa City General Assembly approved the following statement of principles over the course of a two part discussion on Oct. 23 and 24, 2011.

In the fierce urgency of now:

We observe the destructive power of militarism throughout the globe, increasingly spurred on by national and corporate greed, fear, and desire for complete domination over people and resources.
We witness the greatest disparity in the distribution of wealth since the Great Depression.
We observe corporate and individual greed on an unprecedented scale, resulting in the upward flow of capital, the impoverishment of the working class, and the dismantling of the democratic process.
We witness the exploitation of the Earth and its natural resources, and its disastrous effects on climate, agriculture, food, waterways, and all living beings.
We witness concerted efforts to criminalize and oppress human beings on the basis of ability, age, class, gender identity, gender expression, sexual identity, religion, race, ethnicity, and nationality.
We witness political repression and incarceration of dissenting voices and political ideologies.
We witness the degradation of public schools which do not provide the skills needed for creative and free thought, or for full participation in economic or political systems.
We witness the infiltration of the profit motive into all spheres of life.

Therefore, Occupy Iowa City, based on the material and social conditions of the world today, and aware of the particular responsibility we bear as people who reside in the United States, articulates the following principles:

We stand in solidarity with the brave people participating in Occupy Wall Street and other Occupy movements throughout the world.
We affirm inherent human rights and recognize the utility of the United Nation’s “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” as a model for the articulation of these rights, but additionally affirm the need for protection of diverse and indigenous cultures.
We affirm the need for safe and affordable housing for all human beings.
We affirm the right of human beings to choose where they live and work, and to engage in these activities free from intimidation or harassment from the state, employers, employees, financiers, or the community.
We affirm the need to protect the environment and believe that a just world requires all people and organizations to take full responsibility for the ecological implications of their actions.
We affirm the right of all people to have access to appropriate health care as well as clean and nourishing food and water.
We affirm our commitment to peace and the belief that entities, including nations, states, and private capital, should never pursue war or brutality of any kind.
We affirm transnational interdependence, which rejects colonization, military occupation, and economic and cultural imperialism.
We believe in the equitable and just distribution of all resources, opportunity, and wealth.
We affirm the necessity of affordable public education for all people, so that they may be fully informed, creative and curious participants in a just society.
We affirm our commitment to the process of democratic decision-making, and believe all people deserve an equal voice and vote.
We affirm the interconnectedness of these principles and seek new paradigms to bring about systemic change.
This is a living document and is not all-inclusive.

Meeting type:
General Assembly

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